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Video Games

Video Game Bests of All Time

This is an objective list of the best games of all time in order. I am the authority on this and will not be accepting any feedback at this time, thank you. It's for your sake really, your opinion just can't be trusted on this. Someone ought to study what happens to your brain when you play too many visual novels or idle games...

  1. Halo Reach
  2. The Outer Wilds
  3. Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  4. Zelda: Twilight Princess
  6. Burnout 3: Takedown
  7. Teardown
  8. Luigi's Mansion
  9. Risk of Rain 2
  10. Teardown

Honorable mention to Rocket League and Majora's Mask.

TV Quick Recs

  • X Files
  • King of the Hill
  • Burn Notice
  • Arrested Development
  • Severance

Favorite Movies

  1. Inception
  2. Ocean's Eleven
  3. 2001: A Space Odyssey
  4. Baby Driver
  5. Godzilla Minus One
  6. The Sting
  7. Pacific Rim
  8. Wheels on Meals
  9. 3:10 to Yuma
  10. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Movie Recs


Watched Super Troopers (2001) this weekend. Pretty funny, good with a couple beers. They don't make comedies like this anymore :(

I wanna write about movies after I watch them so I can get more thoughts out of them instead of watching a movie and then going "huh neat" like the average marvelcel. These aren't super recent watches, but in like the last year just to get us started:

Top Secret! (1984) was a solid movie with just a ton of gags. You saw that clip on twitter of the guy falling off a roof and shattering like porcelain when he hits the ground? That's from Top Secret, great stuff. This was back when all those stunts were practical, they really broke a guy into a million pieces for that bit

Yojimbo (1961), the second Akira Kurosawa movie I've seen. Samurai comes into a town being ruined by two fighting gangs and decides to stay a while. Sort of like Burn Notice but a 60s samurai movie

Lucky Logan (2017) had that great heist vibe of a mid 2000s movie where they weren't afraid to be a little goofy with it

Books! (it will all be sci-fi)

will fill this out later, just read some Asimov or Arthur C. Clark for now :p

Check out Halo Reach on XBox 360 releasing September 14th, 2010!